

 第十二届全国政协副主席马培华、全国政协常委、经济委员会副主任、中国国际经济交流中心副理事长宁吉喆、欧盟委员会农业委员Janusz Wojciechowski、中国驻欧盟使团团长傅聪、四川省副省长杨兴平、泸州市委书记杨林兴、外交部中国—中东欧国家合作事务特别代表姜瑜、波黑驻华大使Sinisa Berjan、中国—东盟中心秘书长史忠俊、商务部外贸发展事务局局长吴政平、中国欧洲经济技术合作协会副理事长潘锋、意大利驻重庆总领事Fabio Schina、法国驻成都总领事Guillaume Delvallee、智利驻成都总领事Gustavo Díaz Hidalgo、商务部条法司副司长李明、国家知识产权局、知识产权保护司一级巡视员毛金生出席开幕式。泸州市委副书记、市长余先河主持开幕式。来自欧盟、意大利、波兰、匈牙利、阿尔及利亚、法国、西班牙、德国、爱尔兰、塞尔维亚等国家驻华使领馆官员代表、部分国家省市官员代表,国家相关部委领导及国内外行业商协会、知名地标产品企业、科研院校、投资机构、法务机构的嘉宾和专家学者,四川省直相关部门负责人、省内外有关市(州)和龙头企业的负责人等三百余位中外嘉宾出席开幕式。由中外地理标志产品博览会组委会发起的“中欧地理标志发展联盟”,在本次论坛中正式成立。

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欧盟委员会农业委员Janusz Wojciechowski

Commissioner for Agriculture of the European Commission




Fu Cong, Head of the Chinese Mission to the European Union


Ma Peihua, Vice Chairman of the 12th National Committee of the CPPCC


Ning Jizhe, Member of the Standing Committee of the National Committee of the CPPCC,Vice Director of Financial and Economic Affairs Committees, and Vice President of China Center for International Economic Exchanges


Yang Xingping, Vice Governor of Sichuan Province


Yang Linxing, Secretary of the CPC Luzhou Municipal Committee

 波黑驻华大使Sinisa Berjan表示,加强农业合作,促进地理标志产品的交流与合作,可以推动全球农业的发展,还可以保护各地农业文化遗产。中外地理标志产品博览会将有效促进中欧双方相互渗透市场,加强合作,并且可以实现共赢,为中欧经济合作乃至整个世界经济注入新的复苏动力与机遇。

波黑驻华大使Sinisa Berjan
Sinisa Berjan, Bosnia and Herzegovina Ambassador to China


Pan Feng, Vice-Chairman of CEATEC

Jiang Yu, Special Representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for China-CEEC Cooperation Affairs



Opening Ceremony of EU Pavilion
Opening Ceremony of Italian Pavilion
Opening Ceremony of Asti Pavilion
Unveiling Ceremony of the most iconic EU-China GI Products at GIPE 2023


GIPE 2023 Opens in Luzhou

The Second Global Geographical Indications Products Expo & Forum of China-EU Agreement on Geographical Indications is opened in the morning of September 19, which is hosted by Luzhou Municipal People's Government of Sichuan Province, with key support from the Trade Development Bureau of the Ministry of Commerce of P.R.C., Sichuan Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Sichuan Provincial Department of Commerce, Sichuan Provincial Foreign Affairs Office, Sichuan Provincial Market Supervision Bureau, and China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Sichuan Council.

Ma Peihua, Vice Chairman of the 12th National Committee of the CPPCC, Ning Jizhe, Member of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC, Janusz Wojciechowski, Commissioner for Agriculture of the European Commission, Fu Cong, Head of the Chinese Mission to the European Union, Jiang Yu, Special Representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for China-CEEC Cooperation Affairs, Shi Zhongjun, Secretary-General of the ASEAN-China Center, Wu Zhengping, Director-General of the Department of Foreign Trade Development of the Ministry of Commerce, Fabio Schina, Consul General of Italy in Chongqing, Guillaume Delvallee, Consul Genral of France in Chengdu, Gustavo Díaz Hidalgo, Consul General of Chile in Chengdu, Li Ming, Deputy Director-General of the Department of Treaty and Law of the Ministry of Commerce, Mao Jinsheng, Level I Bureau Rank Official of the Intellectual Property Protection Department of China National Intellectual Property Administration, and representatives from embassies and consulates of the European Union, Italy, Poland, Hungary, Algeria, France, Spain, Germany, Ireland and Serbia, officials from CPC municipal provinces, representatives from institutions and experts attended the opening ceremony with the total number of participants reaching over 300. Yu Xianhe, Mayor of Luzhou city hosted the opening, and the China-Europe Geographical Indications Development Alliance was founded.

Ma Peihua delivered a speech and announced the opening of the GIPE 2023. He said that the Expo is an active exploration and practice of opening wider and better cooperation and the building of the new development paradigm featuring dual circulation, in which domestic and overseas markets reinforce each other, with the domestic market as the mainstay. It will help activate market demand, stimulate the momentum of international cooperation, drive the development of related industries, and promote the formation of more pragmatic cooperation results in a broader space and at a deeper level. This year coincides with the 20th anniversary of the establishment of a comprehensive strategic partnership between China and EU, I hope you seize the major strategic opportunities, utilize the internationalization platform advantage provided by the expo, feature the geographical indication product theme, to enlarge cooperation space, boost high quality development, find new path for the building of the dual circulation, thus making contributions in the journey of the modernization of China.

Ning said that the expo is an international platform based on the entry into force of the China-EU GI Agreement, and is an important carrier for trade and cultural exchanges. Through the expo, an international platform, we can promote the GI domestic protection and international cooperation, increase the import of oversea GI products and the export of homegrown GI products, thus enabling the GI to play a better role in recovering the world economy, and building a highland for international cooperation.

Yang Xingping said that, this expo holds a series of activities under the standard of international level, professional level and high level, and focus on the future of GI protection and development, which will definitely inject new momentum for the international GI industry, IP protection and enhancement. Sichuan will take this conference as an opportunity to strengthen exchanges and mutual understanding, and strive to seek new breakthroughs in the protection and development of GI products, brand cultivation and enhancement, and industrial development and growth, etc., so as to promote the cause of geographical indications with friends from all walks of life to achieve greater development.

Yang Linxing extended welcome and thanks to all the guests and friends from all walks of life in Luzhou and online. Luzhou, he said, will work with all parties, together make the expo more excellent, more tasteful, more effective, and inject new impetus to promote the parties in wine, agricultural products, handicrafts for deepen pragmatic cooperation. The expo will also play a bigger role in boosting the international GI protection , deepening economic and trade cooperation, and building the new development pattern.

Bosnia and Herzegovina Ambassador to China Sinisa Berjan said that strengthening agricultural cooperation and promoting exchanges and cooperation on GI products can promote the development of global agriculture and protect the agricultural cultural heritage of various regions. The expo will effectively promote mutual penetration and market between China and the EU, strengthen cooperation, achieve win-win results, and inject new recovery impetus and opportunities for China-EU economic cooperation and even the whole world economy.

Pan Feng said strengthening cultural exchanges is an important measure to promote GI trade and investment cooperation. This year marks the third anniversary of the signing of the China-EU Agreement on Geographical Indications, which has provided full protection for the entry of high-quality EU products into the Chinese market, and thousands of Chinese households have enjoyed them on the dinner tables.It is believed that with the efforts and support of all parties, the expo will definitely contribute wisdom and strength to the comprehensive cooperation and development of China-EU GI products.

This year's exposition lasted for three days, and for the first time, a guest country was set up, with Italy as the guest of honor. The exposition continued to deepen the theme of "Strengthening the Protection of Geographical Indications and Promoting the High-quality Development of the Industry", and set up six thematic zones, including tea, wine, food, fruits and vegetables, handicrafts and others, etc., with 64 representatives of embassy to China and guests from 17 countries and regions, including the guest of honor Italy, participating in the exposition. Nearly 900 enterprises from 32 provinces and cities in China participated in the exhibition with more than 3,000 GI products. During the same period, there will be more than 20 major activities such as the opening ceremony of the Guest-of-Honor Pavilion, the opening ceremony of the EU Pavilion, the opening ceremony of the Asti Province Pavilion, the Forum on Trade and Development of Geographical Indications Products, the Forum on the Law of Geographical Indications and Intellectual Property Rights, the Forum on Geographical Indications Science and Technology in China and Europe, and the Night of the GI. The 3rd International Geographical Indication Products Expo will be held in Luzhou in the second half of next year, and we look forward to meeting you in China - Liquor City, Luzhou!


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